
Ink Chemistries Tips

Avoiding Ink Contamination

Can I mix Epic with other inks or additives?

To avoid contamination, Epic inks should only be used in conjunction with Epic inks and Epic additives. Follow these best practices for avoiding ink contamination:

1. Ensure ink containers are stored in a clean environment and pots are clean.

2. All mixing tools and pots should be new or cleaned thoroughly with non-phthalate cleaners.

3. New mixing containers are recommended.

4. Ensure mixing area is clean and free from ink.

5.  Ensure all ink lot numbers and color mixes are accurately recorded.

6.  Ensure all pots of ink are labelled correctly and sealed after use.

7.  Any ink modification must be made with recommended products.

What about cross contamination?

Proper precautions and procedures must be followed to ensure chemistry integrity. Cross contamination can occur in multiple locations in the production environment.

How to avoid contamination:

1. Never mix Epic with any other chemistries.

2. Never mix Epic with any competitors inks.

3. Store Epic inks separately from other ink chemistries.

What about the Pre-Press?

1. All stencil products must be non-phthalate.

2. All cleaning solvents used on the machine and in pre-press must be non-phthalate solvents and free of all ink.

3. Ensure machine and pallets are free of ink and lint.

4. Pallet spray adhesive must be non-phthalate. Do not cure non-phthalate inks on the same drier at the same time as phthalate-containing inks.

5. Ensure garments are packed in non-phthalate packaging.

6. Be sure to color code containers, squeegee handles, flood bars, pallet knives and any other equipment for chemistry type.

What should I be aware of on my press?

1. Screens that have been used for other ink ranges should not be used for Epic inks.

2. New squeegees must be used.

3. Flood bars should be cleaned with non-phthalate screen cleaners.

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