
Lead Replacement Formulations

Formulações de substituição de chumbo Gravi-Tech™

Adds Heft, Replaces Lead

Using Gravi-Tech™ Lead Replacement Formulations allows manufacturers to avoid the regulatory, disposal and employee exposure challenges associated with traditional lead-based materials. Several grades of Gravi-Tech materials used for X-ray devices provide radiation shielding performance comparable to that of lead, yet these grades are 37 percent lighter. Other radiation-shielding grades are available that match the density of lead (11 gm/cm3). In addition to radiation shielding, Gravi-Tech can be used as a sustainable alternative for adding heft to a product such as spirits caps and closures, where a feeling of weight in a consumer’s hand can denote luxury and quality. With elevated heat deflection temperature and good impact strength, these formulations offer performance and versatility.


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  • Customized density offering a wide range of specific gravities (1.5 - 11 gm/cm3)
  • Broad modulus range, from very flexible to very rigid grades
  • Corrosion resistance that withstands oxidization for long-term use and benefit
  • Chemical resistance that withstands fuels, oils and other harsh chemicals
  • Design flexibility and processing ease

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Gravi-Tech™ - Product Bulletin (Chinese) Product/Service Overview Product description, value solution, characteristics, markets and end-use applications (Chinese language version) Exibir
Gravi-Tech™ - Product Bulletin (English) Product/Service Overview Product description, value solution, characteristics, markets and end-use applications (English language version) Exibir
Gravi-Tech™ Density Modified Formulations - Design Guide Processing & Design Guides Gravi-Tech™ polymer-metal composites are high density materials developed as thermoplastic-based alternatives to lead and other traditional metals Exibir
Gravi-Tech™ Density Modified Formulations Extended Version Processing & Design Guides Injection molding parameters and troubleshooting recommendations for Gravi-Tech™ Exibir
Gravi-Tech™ Density Modified Formulations Extended Version (Chinese) Processing & Design Guides Injection molding parameters and troubleshooting recommendations for Gravi-Tech™ (Chinese language version)   Exibir

Gravi-Tech™ High Density Formulations

Benefits & characteristics of this high performance alternative to lead and other traditional metals

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