
Customized Braiding

Fiber-Line™ Braiding

Customized Engineered Braiding Solutions

Our braided products offer unique characteristics and properties that twisted and roved yarns cannot. Available in flat or round profiles, or cored braids for added strength and flexibility. Combined with performance enhancing coating technology, we engineer custom braided products that address your most demanding challenges. Contact our experts for help in choosing the combination of fibers, coatings and braiding to meet your specific needs.

Coatings for braided fibers include:

  • Wearcoat™ High Abrasion Coating
  • Protexcoat™ UV Resistant Coating
  • Colorcoat™ Fiber Color Coating

Conecte-se com um especialista no produto


  • 6, 8, 12, 16 & 24 end braids
  • Flat or round profiles
  • Cored braids for added strength & flexibility
  • Specialized equipment will not damage filaments
  • Metered lengths tailored for your application


Product Selection Guide: Coatings

Explore our variety of coatings that improve the performance of synthetic fibers


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Fichas de dados técnicos

Navegue em nossa biblioteca de folhas de dados de produtos contendo descrições técnicas e detalhes.

Fiber-Line™ Braiding Process Product/Service Overview Overview of  key features and fibers for Fiber-Line™ Braiding process Exibir
Fiber-Line™ Performance Enhancing Coatings - Product Selection Guide Guia de seleção do produto Explore our variety of coatings that improve the performance of synthetic fibers Exibir

Looking for more? We can help!

Contact us with your specific requirements

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