
Recycled Polyolefin Formulations

Maxxam™ REC Recycled Polyolefin Formulations

Sustainable and Versatile

Maxxam™ REC polyolefins are formulated with 25-100% recycled resin from post-industrial recycled (PIR) and post consumer recycled (PCR) sources. They offer a more sustainable alternative to traditional polyolefin grades while achieving equivalent performance. Maxxam REC grades can be fully customized to meet specific application needs. They can be filled and reinforced to satisfy required performance characteristics and can be blended with glass, minerals, impact modifiers, colorants and stabilizer systems.  

Maxxam REC formulations are suitable for use across many industries and applications where traditional polyolefin materials are used, including transportation, industrial, consumer, electrical and electronic, and building and construction.  

Maxxam formulations are only available outside of North America. 

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Recycle Solutions


  • Formulated with 25-100% recycled resin from PIR & PCR sources
  • Reduces waste and supports the circular economy
  • Achieves equivalent performance to standard polyolefin formulations
  • Provides good stiffness, durability, impact resistance and UV stability
  • Enables customized performance characteristics depending on application need



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Collaborating to Reduce Plastic Ocean Waste Caso de sucesso Avient collaborates with Hager Group and Plastic Bank to help reduce ocean-bound plastic waste  Exibir
Maxxam™ REC Recycled Polyolefin Formulations - Product Bulletin Product/Service Overview Product key characteristics, markets and applications, and sustainability benefits Exibir
Outdoor Electrical Socket Case Study (Snapshot) Maxxam™ REC formulation maintains performance requirements while incorporating recycled content   Exibir
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